Hamidreza Mirdavoodi; Adele Jalili; Ziba Jamzad; Ali Famaheini
Classification of species in plant functional types (PFTs) according to Grime’s CSR theory has been found useful in understanding ecosystem functioning and processes and in quantifying variation along environmental gradients. The aim of this study was to assess variations in CSR strategies along ...
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Classification of species in plant functional types (PFTs) according to Grime’s CSR theory has been found useful in understanding ecosystem functioning and processes and in quantifying variation along environmental gradients. The aim of this study was to assess variations in CSR strategies along stress and grazing gradients in Meyghan playa of Arak. The strategy of plant species was determined according to the Grime’s CSR strategies, based on Pierce’s method. Random- Systematic design was applied to sampling. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) was applied to classification of the ecological plant groups, and partial canonical correspondence analysis (pCCA) was used to identify relationship between environment factors, disturbance and the plant groups studied, using the PC-ORD4.17 and CANOCO4.5 software, respectively. Among the factors that affect plant functional types and the structure of vegetation, soil salinity as a stress factor and grazing as a kind of disturbance were studied. Results showed that stress-tolerant peaked in conditions of high salinity. Competitors with a frequency of 14.3% were mostly present in conditions of low salinity and disturbance/light grazing. Ruderals with a frequency of 7.1% were mostly present in condition of overgrazing. The presences of competitor in protected areas with low soil salinity confirmed the theory of appearance of competitive strategy in low/stress-free areas and light/graze-free. Therefore, it may be possible to use Grimes’s PFTs for assessing environmental constraints and predicting whether a species with a specific strategy is likely to be positively or negatively affected by changes in environmental stress due, for instance, to climate change.
mina bayat; Hossein Arzani; adel jalili; hassan ghalij nia
In this study the effects of three important factors: the climatic precipitation, temperature and relative humidity on the amount of canopy cover and forage production in a period of five years (1381-1385) and 1392 in semi-steppe rangelands Reineh and Polur in the Mazandaran province studied. The statistical ...
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In this study the effects of three important factors: the climatic precipitation, temperature and relative humidity on the amount of canopy cover and forage production in a period of five years (1381-1385) and 1392 in semi-steppe rangelands Reineh and Polur in the Mazandaran province studied. The statistical models (simple and multiple regression) to find the relationship between various forms of vegetative cover and annual forage plants using climate variables in different periods of time with Minitab.14 and Excel software was used for data analysis. The results of six years of study in a semi-steppe rangelands Polur and Reineh showed an average canopy cover of 51 percent and the average yield was 372 kg per hectare. The total vegetation cover of Rineh pastures had the most relation with a total rainfall of the growth season and the March and the average temperature. The temperature was more effectively than rainfall in annual yield. And The yield affected by July temperature. The total vegetation cover of polur had not significant relation with climate factors but each of the vegetation form in Different time base had significant relation. The total grazing species yield of plour affected by growth season rainfall. So instead of one year measurement of vegetation cover and production can be estimated the production and vegetation cover fluctuation according to climate parameters. With long-term vegetation cover and production data, can be determined the available forage and pasture capacity to prevent the range degradation.