Gholamreza Zehtabian; Hassan Khosravi; Ali Azareh
Need to Increasing agricultural land in order to improve food resources in the past two centuries recentlead to widespread changes in land use and improper management of these lands. Continue thisprocess can lead to land degradation and desertification, and improve such soils is very costly;Therefore, ...
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Need to Increasing agricultural land in order to improve food resources in the past two centuries recentlead to widespread changes in land use and improper management of these lands. Continue thisprocess can lead to land degradation and desertification, and improve such soils is very costly;Therefore, prevention of land degradation is more desirable. This function requires to research on theutilization of land agricultural and how to use. With this aim, the Khatam city was selected as thestudy region and various maps of the region, including soil, land use and height maps was prepared tohelp ArcGIS9.3 and ENVI software. Four dominant land region mention mono cultivated and multicultivated systems under irrigation, garden lands and range lands as control treatments wereconsidered as the treatments. The soil was sampled and soil factors in two corrective factors, includingcorrection factors N, P, K, CO, Caco3, Mg and damaging factors Hco3, Cl, Na, pH, EC and SAR atdepth 0 to 30 cm of the soil surface horizons were studied. Factors the design of split plots showed thatthere are significant differences between treatments in the region and soil of region is relatively poorfrom CO, N, K and P in soils Rdhy. The comparison of treatment means with Duncan MeanComparison indicated that the garden lands as the most suitable treatments and range lands as the mostunsuitable one.