Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Desert Management Department, International Desert Research Center (IDRC), University of Tehran, Karaj, I.R. IRAN

2 Msc of Coexist With Desert, Desert Management Department, International Desert Research Center (IDRC), University of Tehran, Karaj, IR.IRAN

3 Asscociate Professor, Natural Resources and Environment Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Shiraz University, I.R. IRAN

4 BSc of Desert Management, International Desert Research Center (IDRC), University of Tehran, I.R. IRAN


The development and implementation of practical natural resources and catchment management
policies require a comprehensive knowledge of the system processes (biological, physical, and
socio-economic), their complicated interactions, and how they react to different changes. The
current research assessed the ecological, physical, and socio-economic consequences of
biologically-based management scenarios targeting runoff and soil erosion problems in the
Darenari catchment. The Darenari catchment with an approximate area of 554 ha is located in Fars
province, Iran. Three biological activities and 8 management scenarios were considered. Ecological
consequences were studied using the weighted land cover area index (WLCAI). Physical effects
were investigated applying the runoff curve number (SCS-CN) hydrologic model. Economic and
social effects were assessed applying the cost/benefit analysis as well as examining the outcomes of
a social survey. Then, a fuzzy AHP approach was applied to weigh the criteria and ultimately, the
best management option was chosen using FTOPSIS model. The results showed that social criteria
with the highest weight and scenario No 8 was the best scenario and had first priority. The results
idicated that the multi-criteria decision making techniques included capability of expressing
different aspects of the problem and are the perfect tool for watershed resources management.
