Document Type : Research Paper


1 student

2 university of Tehran

3 university of tehran


Nowadays climate change, is the most significant threat in terms of sustainable development, particularly in developing countries. So regarding to rangeland ecosystems and their ability is a Particular attention to sequester carbon. This study aimed to assessing the carbon sequestration potential of natural and planted ranges through selected three species S. barbata, S.rigida and A.canescens. sampling from vegetation and soil have done along three 200 meters parallel transects by Systematic - random method. So that were taken 30 vegetable and 36 soil samples which were measured the organic carbon plants samples and some physical and chemical properties of soil In the laboratory. Then, by multiplying the amount of organic carbon in soil bulk density, was calculated total weight of carbon sequestration in soil depth. The results showed that among the three sites, the depth first of the soil, the amount of silt, sand, organic carbon, PH and EC (electrical conductivity) and In the second depth of the soil, the amount of silt, organic carbon, nitrogen, PH and EC there was a significant difference at 5% level. The comparison of carbon sequestration to the total habitat by Duncan's test showed that all three species were significantly different from each other at 5% level, So that the greatest amount of carbon stored is in the A.canescens planting of rangeland (39/84 ton/ ha) and the lowest Natural rangeland S.rigida (36/24 ton/ha), However the Natural range S.barbata was intermediate between both other species (31/34 ton/hac).
