Document Type : Research Paper


, Khatam Alanbia University of Technology


Current study is investigate the effects of range improvement treatments on vegetation performance in Zaloo-Ab rangeland that is 10 Kilometers far from west south of Abdanan County in Ilam Province. Vegetation sampling was done randomly in every control and corrective operation sites in length of three transects of 100 meters in 30 plots of one square meter. Vegetation specifications including production, density, percentage of cover crown, bare soil, stone and pebbles, litters and different classes of palatability. Obtained data were analyzed by version 16 of SPSS software using t-independent test and variance analysis to compare each corrective and control sites and three corrective sites together. The obtained results showed that provided corrective operations have caused increase in cover crown, production, density of class I and II plants and decrease in class III plants, bare soil and pebbles respected to control site (in one percent level). Results of one-way variance analysis and comparison of averages of measured vegetation specifications in three treatment sites also showed a significant difference in one percent level.
