Document Type : Research Paper


1 khaje nasir toosi university

2 farabi university

3 azad university


Evaluation and planning of crisis management with natural disaster approach includes many components. In this regard, one of the basic pillars of construction management is based on resilience. With this view, attention to planning and research priorities of our country shows the present and future. Construction management in flood-prone areas is one of the most important priorities for studies and planning for sustainable development in the country. According to the studies conducted, the study area is one of the flood-prone areas and according to the floods, damages have occurred. We have witnessed a lot of lives and infrastructure in this area. A review of the construction of settlements in the study area shows that with the approach of construction management, many constructions have been carried out and are being carried out in this area. There are many challenges from the crisis management approach. The opinion is the method and nature of survey and exploration. In this regard, in this article, Lorestan flood zoning has been done in GIS system and strategies to increase productivity have been presented


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