Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Rangeland Research Division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran.

2 Professor,, Natural Resources Faculty, University of Tehran

3 Assistant Professor, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute

4 Professor, Natural resources faculty, University of Tehran

5 Assistant Professor, faculty of desert studies, Semnan University.


This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of polymer mulches and plant mulch on some soil physical properties. For this purpose, effects of synthetic polymer, natural polymer, natural - synthetic polymer, and litter, On some physical properties of soil at two depths (0-5 cm and 5-30 cm) and two time periods in a completely randomized design with four replications was studied. 10*10 meter experimental plots were considered and mulches covered 2 cm of the soil surface in each plot. The results showed that the use of mulches in the first week of applying, affected the bulk density (3.6% increase in synthetic polymer), porosity (6.01% increase in synthetic polymer), temperature (2.52% increase in litter and 1.85 decrease in natural polymer) and humidity (16.67% increase in synthetic polymer) at the layer of 0-5 cm, Soil moisture (16.67% increase in synthetic polymer) was also affected at the depth of 5-30 cm. Six months after the experiment began, mulches were applied, made a significant difference compared to control in the bulk density (4.81% and 2.12% decrease in synthetic polymer for 1st and 2nd layers respectively), porosity (8.23% increase in synthetic polymer for 1st layer and 4.12% increase in natural - synthetic polymer for 2nd layer) and moisture content of both surface and beneath soil (103.53% and 48.6% increase in natural - synthetic polymer for 1st and 2nd layers respectively), also the electrical conductivity of the first depth of soil (6.23% decrease in natural - synthetic polymer) was affected.


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