Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Rural Development, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Iran

2 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Rural Development, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Iran.



Identification of organizational stakeholders is one of the requirements for the implementation of water resources plannings. any policy making in the water field requires the identification of the impact of each stakeholders on the dimensions of the problem and in relation to each other. the purpose of this study is to identification of stakeholders and investigate the structure of social relations with an emphasis on the decision making network link in the direction of the water governance in the Great Karun basin. the statistical population of the research includes specialists, managers and experts of organizations related to the governance of water of the Great Karun basin. the research sample was selected purposeful and through snowball sampling. data collection was done through semi-structured interviews and completing the relevant questionnaires. UCINET6.528 and software were used for data analysis. the results showed, the beneficiaries of the water governance of the Great Karun Basin were categorized into three classes: key players(33/34%), subjects(30%) and crowd(36/66%). the density index shows the high level of cohesion between organizations based on the decision-making link. based on the indicators of reciprocity and transferability, the stability and cohesion of the decision-making network is medium to high. the average geodesic distance in the link of the inter-organizational decision-making network showed that the social distance between people is low and the circulation speed of the decision-making link between them is high. also, based on the effective size index, the water and electricity organization is the main decision-maker in relation to the water governance of the Great Karun Basin in Khuzestan province.


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