Fatemeh Sheidaei; Elham Akbari; Shahla Choobchian; Mohammad Sadegh Allahyari; Enayat Abbasi
To achieve effective policy relations; First, it is necessary to reform the decision-making network of water resources, adjust the power of government institutions, and involve stakeholder organizations, non-governmental organizations, academics, and those who care about water and the environment to ...
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To achieve effective policy relations; First, it is necessary to reform the decision-making network of water resources, adjust the power of government institutions, and involve stakeholder organizations, non-governmental organizations, academics, and those who care about water and the environment to restore water governance in the country. In the meantime, participatory decision-making in the field of water resources management can help improve decision-making processes and increase the ability to implement decisions related to water management. Therefore, the main goal of this research was to explain the current and desired state of the participatory decision-making process of water resources management. The questionnaire provided by United Nations Human Settlements program was used to collect data. The findings indicate that the most significant disparity between the present and desired conditions was observed in the institutionalization aspect. Also, in general, the investigation of the current state of the participatory decision-making process (confirmatory factor analysis) showed that the implementation dimension had the greatest relative importance in explaining the participatory decision-making process; This shows the importance of the human dimension in this relationship, which overshadows the entire decision-making management process, and the usefulness of the results depends on the quality of communication and collaborative strategies. Necessary planning in this regard should be developed by examining the variety of information sources and determining priorities, according to information sources and determining strategies, and should be implemented with emphasis on the capacity and commitment of the target community and individuals. Furthermore, efforts have been made to institutionalize these measures, which should not be overlooked.
Seyedeh khadijeh Mahdavi; Maedeh Yousefian; Mohammad Reza Shahraki; Reza Ourmaz
The need to decentralize government at the local level can guarantee the participation of rangeland beneficiaries. So the present study has analyzed the perceptions of rangeland beneficiaries of participatory governance in Incheh salt marshes in Golestan province. The research is descriptive-survey and ...
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The need to decentralize government at the local level can guarantee the participation of rangeland beneficiaries. So the present study has analyzed the perceptions of rangeland beneficiaries of participatory governance in Incheh salt marshes in Golestan province. The research is descriptive-survey and statistical population consists of 120 beneficiaries, 92 of whom were selected as the sample size. The questionnaire was the main tool of data collection and participatory governance was evaluated with 32 items in the form of 9 components. The validity of the questionnaire was obtained by experts and its reliability was obtained by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Statistical calculations based on SPSS25. The results showed that the "implementation" and "conflict resolution" with the highest and "planning" and "coordination" with the lowest were at the highest and lowest levels of governance index, respectively. On the other hand, according to the average obtained in the participatory governance index (3.58), the tendency of governance is toward community-oriented management. There was a positive and significant relationship between the variables of livestock history, number of livestock, age, annual income and the tendency to rule in the rangeland. According to the obtained results and also the importance of rangeland governance, the involvement of beneficiaries in the preparation of rangeland plans and projects and the use of their rich native knowledge, holding classes in line with the cooperative activities of beneficiaries with the Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management as a representative of the government are the most important suggestions of this research.
maede nasry; Mohammad Jafari; Hossein Azarnivand; Hamed Rafiee
This study aims to examine the role and value of local community awareness of the economic value of carbon sequestration as an important rangeland ecosystem services in order to increase the participation of local community for conservation of rangeland. In order to explain the role and value of awareness ...
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This study aims to examine the role and value of local community awareness of the economic value of carbon sequestration as an important rangeland ecosystem services in order to increase the participation of local community for conservation of rangeland. In order to explain the role and value of awareness in increasing the participation of people in both experimental and control groups, Contingent Valuation Method and dichotomous choice – double bounded format was used and willingness of local communities to pay to preserve pastures were measured. The results showed in two separate groups have a significant difference in terms of willingness to pay for conservation of rangeland, that the difference between the willingness to pay represents the exact value of awareness in increasing willingness to pay for conservation of pasture. In the experimental group, the average willingness to pay was 89410.84 Rials and in the control group average, the average willingness to pay was 32560.88 Rials. The difference between the average willingness of people to pay in two groups is the equivalent of 57039.12 Rials. The average willingness of people to pay each year in the village of test and control group respectively is 2587230.6 and 1657100.05 Rials. The proposed knowledge up to local communities in the Malard County of the carbon sequestration process as well as the role and its position in relation to the welfare of local communities, especially with regard to the beginning of the implementation of the International Generalized Carbon Sequestration in the county take priority.
ronak ahmadi; Qodratollah Heydari; gholamreza khoshfar
The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing participation of landholders in the the rehabilitation and restoration of Choqakadoo rangeland in the city Sarpolzahab province of Kermanshah The aim of the research, applied research methodology, causal correlation. In addition to data processing ...
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The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing participation of landholders in the the rehabilitation and restoration of Choqakadoo rangeland in the city Sarpolzahab province of Kermanshah The aim of the research, applied research methodology, causal correlation. In addition to data processing descriptive statistics and correlation, multiple regression and path analysis method of inferential statistics were used. The results showed that the correlation coefficient attend public hearings, cordial relations with its neighbors, dominating the promoters on technical topics, providing extension services in the field of rehabilitation and restoration of rangeland, over responsibility for part of the program into landholders, membership in local organizations, familiar of landholders with and participate in training courses and promotional programs most of solidarity with the participation of landholders in the rangeland rehabilitation and restoration. Enter regression methods on variables including background indicate that their level of education, the most direct and positive effects (0/281) and the most positive effect and total (0/357) on the participation of landholders, also number of livestock, number of dependents and income are next in priorities. Among the variables including background age and years of exploitation has a negative effect (-0/482 , -0/468) on landholders' participation in the rangeland rehabilitation and restoration. So pay particular attention to these factors can be placed on the agenda of managers and planners and more participation of landholders in areas of rehabilitation and restoration of rangelands, provide in every area.
Seyed Masoud Soleimanpour; Amin SalehpourJam; Ali Akbar Noroozi; Naser Khalili
Implementation of watershed management projects without the participation of people has not been very successful. Therefore, prioritizing indices and sub-indicators affecting their poor participation is an important step in managing of watersheds and it can lead to taking measures to eliminate barriers ...
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Implementation of watershed management projects without the participation of people has not been very successful. Therefore, prioritizing indices and sub-indicators affecting their poor participation is an important step in managing of watersheds and it can lead to taking measures to eliminate barriers to participation and maximum participation of stakeholder in planning. Therefore, in this research the priority of investigation of stakeholders in prioritizing factors affecting their poor participation in watershed management projects in Morad Abad watershed in Meymand, west of Fars province so after completing 72 questionnaires from the head of the household using T test and Friedman nonparametric test were done. The results showed that from the views of stakeholder, the indicators such as "economic", "educational-extensional", "design-executive" and "social" were the maximum and minimum priorities of poor participation of stakeholders in watershed projects in this watershed. Also, the most important sub-indicators on poor participation of stakeholders in watershed projects in this watershed are "low income residents of the watershed," "lack of local power in implementing projects (job creation)", "ignoring income for stakeholders as a direct incentive to implement of watershed management projects ", and" low level of literacy and awareness". Accordingly, the range of average ratings varies from 6.93 to 10.25, so that the sub-indicator "low income residents of the basin" with an average rating of 10.25 has the highest relative priority and "late watershed project efficiency" with an average of 6.93 had the least relative priority in poor participation of stakeholders in watershed projects in this watershed.
Hossein Sarvi sadrabad; Iman Islami
Water is one of the major sources of development in countries and one of the greatest challenges of the present century, which can be the source of many of the positive and negative developments in the world, and in fact destruction of water resources is the destruction of the foundations of development. ...
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Water is one of the major sources of development in countries and one of the greatest challenges of the present century, which can be the source of many of the positive and negative developments in the world, and in fact destruction of water resources is the destruction of the foundations of development. Researches has shown that improved management of conservation, exploitation and distribution of water resources is possible by reducing Governmental Entrepreneurship and stakeholders' participation and community participation through participatory management. Accordingly, social network analysis is considered as an approach to analyzing the relationships of local stakeholders for sustainable water resources management. The purpose of this research is to survey social network of local stakeholders using social network analysis in Sadr Abad village in Nodoushan catchment of Yazd. This research has been done on the basis of two connections of trust and participation using network level and subgroup level indicators. The results indicate that the degree of cohesion and social capital is moderate, and the stability and equilibrium of the network is also high, which indicates the high level of transmission in the relationships of trust and participation. Also, the correlation between the two connection of trust and participation, based on the QAP index, is 64 percent and it is appropriate and high level. Water management network in Sadrabad has the potential of greater cohesion and social capital, that prerequisite of it is to utilize the appropriate state of trust to increase participation.