Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc Student Desert Management, Department of Arid and Mountains Regions Reclamation, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

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This study aims to examine the role and value of local community awareness of the economic value of carbon sequestration as an important rangeland ecosystem services in order to increase the participation of local community for conservation of rangeland‌. In order to explain the role and value of awareness in increasing the participation of people in both experimental and control groups, Contingent Valuation Method and dichotomous choice – double bounded format was used and willingness of local communities to pay to preserve pastures were measured. The results showed in two separate groups have a significant difference in terms of willingness to pay for conservation of rangeland, that the difference between the willingness to pay represents the exact value of awareness in increasing willingness to pay for conservation of pasture. In the experimental group, the average willingness to pay was 89410.84 Rials and in the control group average, the average willingness to pay was 32560.88 Rials. The difference between the average willingness of people to pay in two groups is the equivalent of 57039.12 Rials. The average willingness of people to pay each year in the village of test and control group respectively is 2587230.6 and 1657100.05 Rials. The proposed knowledge up to local communities in the Malard County of the carbon sequestration process as well as the role and its position in relation to the welfare of local communities, especially with regard to the beginning of the implementation of the International Generalized Carbon Sequestration in the county take priority.


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