sahar ghafari; Ardavan Ghorbani; mehdi moameri; Raoof Mostafazadeh; Mahmood Bidar lord; Azad Kakemami
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of topographic, edaphic, climatic and landscape metrices on the distribution of plant communities in the altitude gradient of Moghan-Sabalan rangelands in Ardebil province. To determine and study the ecological species groups, 28 sites and 840 one ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of topographic, edaphic, climatic and landscape metrices on the distribution of plant communities in the altitude gradient of Moghan-Sabalan rangelands in Ardebil province. To determine and study the ecological species groups, 28 sites and 840 one square meter sampling plots were samples by the random systematic method. To determine soil factors, soil samples were collected from each site from 0–15 and 15-30 cm depth and physicochemical parameters were measured at the lab. Using TWINSPAN, vegetation of the study area was classified and then PCA and CCA were used to investigate the relationship between species and environmental factors. According to TWINSPAN results, four ecological groups were identified. The first ecological group is located in the opposite direction of elevation, slope, rainfall and patch area gradients, and the same direction with pH, clay and dispersible clay (the first depth), bulk density, edge density and patch area (coefficient of variation). The second and third ecological groups are located in the interfaces of the first and fourth ecological groups in terms of plant composition and environmental conditions. These two groups prefer the middle elevations. The fourth ecological group at the end of the elevation, rainfall, slope, patch area and inverse direction of clay and dispersible clay (the first depth) and typically prefer high altitudes and light texture soils.
Sahar Samadi Khangah; Mehdi Moameri; Masoome Abbasi Khalaki
The aim of this study was to investigate the ecological factors affecting the distribution of four Trifolium repense, T. pratense, T. micranthum and T. compestre species in Fandoghlou rangelands of Namin county in Ardabil province. Sampling was conducted in six sites with the presence and absence of ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the ecological factors affecting the distribution of four Trifolium repense, T. pratense, T. micranthum and T. compestre species in Fandoghlou rangelands of Namin county in Ardabil province. Sampling was conducted in six sites with the presence and absence of species at random. Topographic, climatic, land cover and density of selected species were recorded. From each transect, soil samples were taken from the root activity depth the parameters of acidity, electrical conductivity, soil texture, lime, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter, propagated clay and soil moisture content were measured. A significant difference was observed between the environmental factors on presence and absence of studied species by one-way ANOVA and comparison of the mean of the measured characteristics with Duncan test. To determine the importance of the variables in different sites and the species distribution, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) was used. Results showed that there were significant different between the factors of electrical conductivity, slope, sodium, organic matter (p<0.01) and factors of elevation, rainfall, temperature, acidity, potassium, phosphorus, clay, silt, dispersible clay and bare soil (p<0.05) in sites of presence and absence of species. According to the results of the LDA, four functions were justified as 78.50, 15.60, 5.80, 0.10 %, respectively and totally 100% of the total variance of the data were justified. Four factors (temperature, electrical conductivity, potassium and clay) were identified as the most important factors in the distribution of the T. repense, T. pratense, T. micranthum, T. compestre species.
Jaber Sharifi; Ali Ashraf Jafari; Yones Rostamikia
Preference evaluation of four species of perennial forage grasses including Alopecurus textilis L., Festuca ovina L. and F. sulcata L. and Agropyron trichophorum. In order to use for improvement and restoration of rangelands, seeds of species were collected from of Ardebil province. After seed germination ...
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Preference evaluation of four species of perennial forage grasses including Alopecurus textilis L., Festuca ovina L. and F. sulcata L. and Agropyron trichophorum. In order to use for improvement and restoration of rangelands, seeds of species were collected from of Ardebil province. After seed germination test and preparing of seed bed. This eyperiment was done based on Randomized completely block design with 3 replicates in dryland conditions from 2010 -2014 in Ardabil station. After plants establishment and end of growing, crown cover Total height, seedling vigority, forage and seed production. Analysis variance of data was done using SAS software and the mean comparison with Duncan method at 5% level. The results showed that, the species in term of studied traits, had significant difference exept survival, The highest height, crown cover and forage production. Be longes to Agropyron trichophorum, The highest seedling vigority belodes to Agropyron trichophorum and Festuca sulcata finally, Therefore these con be used in improvement and developmend procces of pasture in arid and semi arid region.
Jaber Sharifi; Amrali Shahmoradi
Vegetation changes rangelands, that usually occurs in the composition and structure of vegetation over time. On the other hand, human factors, especially rangeland management, play an important role in maintaining stability or degradation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the dynamics of ...
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Vegetation changes rangelands, that usually occurs in the composition and structure of vegetation over time. On the other hand, human factors, especially rangeland management, play an important role in maintaining stability or degradation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the dynamics of vegetation under the local management was carried out from 2008 to 1391. To do this, main vegetative stepic regions of the factors related to crown cover, density and abundance were determined by multi-year and group species, during the three transects 500 m in 30 plots (5/1 × 5/1 meter) as well as soil moisture and organic carbon were measured. The results showed that a four-year period, In the vegetation of perennial grasses, such as Festuca ovina, Alopecurus aucheri, Bromus tomentellus and Koeleria caucasica their variation was due to rainfall in the growing season, there was no significant difference between study years. In shrub cover such as Onobrychis cornuta and Astragalus aureus were significantly different between years of study due to annual precipitation fluctuations and soil moisture moisture content. In perennial forbodies, such as Scorzonera radicosa, Polygonum alpetre and Veronica orientalis were affected by precipitation seasonal and there was a significant difference between years. Changes in soil organic carbon and the process is slow. Therefore the results of the survey year to year changes in vegetation,climate changes and soil moisture also how the soil erosion condition can as an appropriate guide for the correct current methods used for management of rangeland ecosystems.