Document Type : Research Paper


1 A member of Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center of Markazi Province, Arak, I.R. Iran

2 Ph.D. student of watershed management, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, Arak, I.R. Iran

3 Ph.D. student of watershed management, Tarbat Modarres University, and A member of Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center of Markazi Province, Arak, I.R. Iran

4 Associate professor of soil conservation and watershed management research institute, Tehran, I.R. Iran


Land use Optimization using linear programing is a method in watershed management for access to production sustainability and decreasing of soil erosion. The sensitivity analysis of the model can with investigation of results influence form changes in input parameters, lead to decrease the uncertainty in decision-making of management programs. So in this research, linear programming model using Lingo software was applied to land use optimization in the Adineh Masjed watershed, Markazi province. Then was investigated a sensitivity analysis in changes of -50 to +50 percent form area of land use type on based benefit maximization and soil erosion minimization variables. According to results, objective functions are sensitive very low in conditions of changes dry farm area maximum. So that with decreasing 10% from its, benefit rate reduced equal to 3.5%, 4.2% and 2.6% for current land use, management land use and standard land sue, respectively. Also soil erosion rate reduced equal to 0.18% and 0.19% for current land use and management land use, respectively; but it increased in standard land sue equal to 0.34%. Also the results showed benefit variability is related to dry farm area and erosion variability is related to rangeland area.


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