Mohsen Bagheri Bodaghabadi; Naser Davatgar; Shokrollah Hajivand
Human activities in the range of natural resources affect the sustainability or instability of ecosystems. Therefore, data interpretation and analysis related to these activities can play a pivotal role in assessing environmental issues and problems. The aim of this study was to analyze human activities ...
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Human activities in the range of natural resources affect the sustainability or instability of ecosystems. Therefore, data interpretation and analysis related to these activities can play a pivotal role in assessing environmental issues and problems. The aim of this study was to analyze human activities in the watershed to investigate the development of rainfed orchards on sloping lands and the stability or instability of related activities. For this purpose, field studies were conducted in two regions of arid (Birjand) and Mediterranean (Khalkhal) and the impact of the orchard estabilishment on the lands of these regions was analyzed. Contrary to expectations, in the arid region with about 170 mm of rainfall, the orchard estabilishment was successful and accompanied by sustainable development, and in the Mediterranean region with more than 350 mm of rainfall, this project was considered failed and unstable. One of the most important factors for the success of this project in the arid region was having indigenous knowledge in creating dams in suitable areas by collecting runoff and sediments, according to the parent materials and the resulting soil. In contrast, the lack of indigenous or formal knowledge in the Mediterranean region, followed by a lack of attention to soil constraints, some of which are affected by parent materials, is one of the main reasons for the failure of the project in this region. Based on the results, For sustainable management special attention should be paid to indigenous knowledge along with formal knowledge.
saeedmohammad sabouri; hossein hajialibegi; morteza talebian; morteza fattahi
Tectonic activities by the occurrence of earthquakes and the creation of driving force, tectonic uplifts, fissures and fractures caused by faults, creating and seam and cracks in rocks and accelerating the process of mechanical and chemical weathering, creating fault gouges and fault shear as the materials ...
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Tectonic activities by the occurrence of earthquakes and the creation of driving force, tectonic uplifts, fissures and fractures caused by faults, creating and seam and cracks in rocks and accelerating the process of mechanical and chemical weathering, creating fault gouges and fault shear as the materials prone to landslides, increasing the penetration of rocks, changes in the direction and slope of geological layers, etc. cause landslides. The study area is located in the structural zone of Central Alborz and Central Iran between the coordinates of 49.22 to 51.15 east longitude and 35.81 and 36.9 north latitude. In this study, after library surveys and field observations, the location of 280 landslides with fault zones of faults in the region was compared with the relevant software and it was found that 34% of the total landslides identified in Fault zone. Due to the 5% area of fault zones, the high percentage of landslide occurrence indicates the relationship between tectonic activity and landslide occurrence. Therefore, it can be said that tectonic activities have caused landslides in the study area and due to the large number of landslides in the study area, the area can be assessed tectonically with high activity. Vulnerability of residential areas is also high in areas near active and Quaternary faults, because in addition to seismic waves and surface rupture during an earthquake, they threat by another hazard called landslides.
Seyed Masoud Soleimanpour; Amin SalehpourJam; Ali Akbar Noroozi; Naser Khalili
Implementation of watershed management projects without the participation of people has not been very successful. Therefore, prioritizing indices and sub-indicators affecting their poor participation is an important step in managing of watersheds and it can lead to taking measures to eliminate barriers ...
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Implementation of watershed management projects without the participation of people has not been very successful. Therefore, prioritizing indices and sub-indicators affecting their poor participation is an important step in managing of watersheds and it can lead to taking measures to eliminate barriers to participation and maximum participation of stakeholder in planning. Therefore, in this research the priority of investigation of stakeholders in prioritizing factors affecting their poor participation in watershed management projects in Morad Abad watershed in Meymand, west of Fars province so after completing 72 questionnaires from the head of the household using T test and Friedman nonparametric test were done. The results showed that from the views of stakeholder, the indicators such as "economic", "educational-extensional", "design-executive" and "social" were the maximum and minimum priorities of poor participation of stakeholders in watershed projects in this watershed. Also, the most important sub-indicators on poor participation of stakeholders in watershed projects in this watershed are "low income residents of the watershed," "lack of local power in implementing projects (job creation)", "ignoring income for stakeholders as a direct incentive to implement of watershed management projects ", and" low level of literacy and awareness". Accordingly, the range of average ratings varies from 6.93 to 10.25, so that the sub-indicator "low income residents of the basin" with an average rating of 10.25 has the highest relative priority and "late watershed project efficiency" with an average of 6.93 had the least relative priority in poor participation of stakeholders in watershed projects in this watershed.
Ahmad Ghanbari; Rafat Zare Bidaki; Afshin Honarbakhsh; Vafa Mahmoodinejad
Check dam is the most costly watershed management practice. This research was an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of individual check dams in different watersheds of Chaharmahal-va-Bakhtiari. 11 criteria impacting upon check dams’ individual efficiency were considered: check dam location, ...
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Check dam is the most costly watershed management practice. This research was an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of individual check dams in different watersheds of Chaharmahal-va-Bakhtiari. 11 criteria impacting upon check dams’ individual efficiency were considered: check dam location, check dam stability, longitudinal profile fixing, check dam's coefficient of sediment storage, check dam's crest to be perpendicular to channel's axis, spillway dimensions, check dam strength, anchorage, check dams built according to channels' cross section, consistency of spillway center with stream alignment and apron length. The importance of each criterion for each check dam’s efficiency was measured using analytical hierarchy processes. 41 cement- masonry and gabion check dams constructed previously in different parts of the province were selected and were scored based on these criteria. Then by multiplying the weight of each criterion by the score each check dam received on that criterion, the distance of performance of each check dam from expected efficiency was computed. Results show that check dam's crest perpendicular to stream axis and consistency of spillway center with stream alignment averagely gained the highest score but longitudinal stream fixing and correct spillway dimensions gained the lowest score. And the location of check dams with the weight of 0.214 and apron length with the weight of 0.035 gained the highest and lowest weights, respectively. Economic assessment of check dams were done by comparing their final score in efficiency and the size of material used for that. It was revealed that small check dams constructed by consideration of designing principles showed more efficient and cost effective than huge check dams.
Amir Reza Keshtkar; Behnaz Asefjah; Yusef Erfanifard; Ali Afzali
The development and implementation of practical natural resources and catchment managementpolicies require a comprehensive knowledge of the system processes (biological, physical, andsocio-economic), their complicated interactions, and how they react to different changes. Thecurrent research assessed ...
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The development and implementation of practical natural resources and catchment managementpolicies require a comprehensive knowledge of the system processes (biological, physical, andsocio-economic), their complicated interactions, and how they react to different changes. Thecurrent research assessed the ecological, physical, and socio-economic consequences ofbiologically-based management scenarios targeting runoff and soil erosion problems in theDarenari catchment. The Darenari catchment with an approximate area of 554 ha is located in Farsprovince, Iran. Three biological activities and 8 management scenarios were considered. Ecologicalconsequences were studied using the weighted land cover area index (WLCAI). Physical effectswere investigated applying the runoff curve number (SCS-CN) hydrologic model. Economic andsocial effects were assessed applying the cost/benefit analysis as well as examining the outcomes ofa social survey. Then, a fuzzy AHP approach was applied to weigh the criteria and ultimately, thebest management option was chosen using FTOPSIS model. The results showed that social criteriawith the highest weight and scenario No 8 was the best scenario and had first priority. The resultsidicated that the multi-criteria decision making techniques included capability of expressingdifferent aspects of the problem and are the perfect tool for watershed resources management.
M Abbasi; M Mohseni Saravi; M.M Kheirkhah; Sh Khalighi Sigaroudi; Gh Rostamizad; M Hosseini
Volume 63, Issue 3 , December 2010, , Pages 375-385
Assessment of watershed management activities is one of the main subjects for future planning of practical projects and natural resources management. Due to the lack of any tool for assessment of watershed processes in many cases, distributed hydrological models can be useful. The purpose of this study ...
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Assessment of watershed management activities is one of the main subjects for future planning of practical projects and natural resources management. Due to the lack of any tool for assessment of watershed processes in many cases, distributed hydrological models can be useful. The purpose of this study was evaluation of watershed management activities in Kan Watershed by HEC-HMS (Hydrologic Modeling System). For this purpose, first by considering observed events, HEC-HMS model was optimized and calibrated. Then, for evaluating the effects of check dams on time of concentration, it was calculated before and after of check dam's construction by use of field observations and vegetation cover improvement was also estimated after the project. These parameters were imported to HEC-HMS to find out the effects of watershed practices and then flooding condition was simulated. For assessment purposes, peak discharge and flood volume were calculated for “before” and “after” construction conditions. Results showed that check dams as mechanical measures had low effect on time of concentration while biological practices lead to decrease in curve number with an average value of 3.1. This effects result in decrease of peak flow and flood volume meanly 21% and 11%, respectively.