Volume 78 (2025)
Volume 77 (2024)
Volume 76 (2023)
Volume 75 (2022)
Volume 74 (2021)
Volume 73 (2020)
Volume 72 (2019)
Volume 71 (2018)
Volume 70 (2017)
Volume 69 (2016)
Volume 68 (2015)
Volume 66 (2013)
Volume 65 (2012)
Volume 63 (2010)
Volume 62 (2009)
Investigation of possibility of landslide number and area estimation using determination area and volume frequency distribution (Case study: Mazandaran providence)

Ebrahim Omidvar; Ataollah Kavian

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 159-175


  Landslides are the major natural hazard, causing significant damage to properties, lives and engineering projects in all mountainous areas in the world. In order to estimate the role of the landslides in erosion processes and evaluation of their risks, it is necessary to quantify landslides. This quantifying ...  Read More

An investigation on the effect of floodwater spreading on physicochemical soil attributes (Case study: Gachsaran Floodwater spreading station)

Mohsen Padyab; Sadat Feiznia; Hassan Ahmadi; Ardeshir Shafei

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 177-187


  Small precipitation with temporal and spatial variation of rainfall is the main responsible factors on flood occurrence in arid and semi arid regions. Floods in their regions usually contain high concentration of sediments which when they are deposited on the surface of lands, they change the properties ...  Read More

Investigation of granulometry of aeolian sediments in relation of sand dune morphology (Case study: Kashan Erg)

Asghar Tavakkoli Fard; Aliakbar Nazari Samani; Naser Mashhadi; Hoda Ghasemieh; Mojtaba Hodayi Arani

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 189-202


  Kashan Erg is one of the most important sand dunes complexes in Iran. It is included the most important various type of sand dunes in Iran. This study was performed to compare the granulometry of aeolian sediments in different sand dunes and also from plinth to crest of transverse dunes that located ...  Read More

Polyacrylamide effects on splash erosion rate in different soils using rainfall simulator

Ataollah Kavian; Feryal Hayavi; Mehdi Boroghani

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 203-216


  Splash erosion recognized as first stage of erosion process that results of bombing soil surface with rain drop. Falling rain drops to soil surface resulted moving soil particles and destructing soil structure. At this research effects of various PAM rate (0, 2, 4 and 6 kg.ha) on splash erosion on three ...  Read More

Cultural ecology: Analysis of indigenous knowledge and social cohesion in milk management of grazing animals on rangeland (Case study: Ghasr e Yaghub village, Khorram Bid, Fars province)

Sare Rasekhi; Mahdi Ghorbani; Aliakbar Mehrabi; Seyed Akbar Javadi

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 217-232


  Cooperation in pastoralism and indigenous knowledge of dairy management had been considered for many years in Iran and had been adapted with culture and environment of every region. This research had illustrated the analysis of indigenous knowledge and social cohesion in dairy management of grazing livestock ...  Read More

Survey of vegetation degradation in the East of Esfahan using Lada model

Behzad Rayegani; Gholamreza Zehtabian; Hossein Azarnivand; Seyed Jamalodin Khajedin; Seyed Kazem Alavipanah

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 233-252


  Arid and semi-arid areas, due to the sensitive, have variable ecosystems, so continuous assessment and monitoring of the environment is required for most of managerial and adjustment practices. Vegetation is one of the most important assessment tools and used as a criterion for evaluation and monitoring ...  Read More

Evaluation of seed germination features of Bromus kopetdaghensis Drobov under different temperature

Reyhane Azimi; Mohammad Khajeh Hosseini; Farnosh Falahpor

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 253-261


  Bromus kopetdaghensis is one of perennial plants of Poaceae family and it is important in biodiversity of arid and semi arid grasslands of Iran. This experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design with 4 replications in laboratory of faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, ...  Read More

Evaluation of hydrogeochemical of Oshtroankooh Karst springs in association with geological formations of this region

Mehrnoush Ghadimi; Hasan Ahmadi; Ebrahim Moghimi; Mansour Jafarbeyglou

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 263-278


  To evaluate the hydrogeochemical characteristics of karst water resources of Oshtorankooh, chemistry details of springs has been considered as the most important evacuator of karst resources. This research has been performed to study hydrogeochemical nature of karst springs and their origin with an emphasis ...  Read More

Environmental and managerial factors effects on plant species distribution (Case study: Saral rangelands of Kurdistan province)

Bahram Gholinejad; Mohammad Jaffari; Mohammad Ali Zarechahuki; Hossein Azarniuand; Hassan Pourbabaei

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 279-288


  This research has been done with the aim of explaining environmental and managerial factors that affects on rangeland vegetation distribution in Saral rangelands of Kurdistan province. After selecting plant types as working area were done sampling from plant types and determined some of plants parameters ...  Read More

Assessing the Impact of input variables preprocessing into support vector machine through gamma test method for suspended sediment volume prediction

Elham Kakaei Lafdani; Ali Reza Moghaddam Nia; Azadeh Ahmadi; Heydar Ebrahimi

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 289-303


  This study aimed to examine the influence of pre-processing input variables by Gamma Test on performance of Support Vector Machine in order to predict the suspended sediment amount of Doiraj River, located in Ilam Province from 1994-2004. The flow discharge and rainfall were considered as the input variables ...  Read More

The effect of different intensities of clipping on some of vegetative and reproductive characteristics Ajuga chamaecistus in kordan rangelands of Albroz province

Ghader Karimi; Hasan Yeganeh; Hasan Barati; Farhang Ghasriani

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 305-316


  Due to the growing trend of rangelands degradation, study effects of different harvesting intensities on species in order to gain a more fundamental utilization of ranglands can be effective for reclamation and improvement. The purpose of this research was to study effects of different harvesting intensities ...  Read More

Economic valuation of rangelands' soil conservation function, Case of Mid-Taleghan rangelands

Seyed Alireza Mousavi; Hossein Arzani; Gholamali Sharzei; Hossein Azarnivand; Mahdi Farahpour; Stephani Engel; Esmail Alizadeh; Aliakbar Nazari-Samani

Volume 67, Issue 2 , July 2014, Pages 317-331


  Soil conservation is one of the most important regulative functions of natural ecosystems. This function is of high importance in Taleghan Watershed due to high erosion quantity and sediment accumulation in Taleghan Dam reservoir. Soil loss reduction, sedimentation control and fertility conservation ...  Read More