نشریه علمی - پژوهشی مرتع و آبخیزداری

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 کارشناس ارشد مدیریت مناطق بیابانی

2 ااستادیار گروه مدیریت مناطق بیابانی، دانشکدة منابع طبیعی، دانشگاه یزد

3 استادیار گروه مدیریت مناطق بیابانی، دانشکدة منابع طبیعی، دانشگاه یزد

4 عضو هیئت علمی مرکز تحقیقات کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی یزد


بیابان‏زایی فرایند و وضعیت نهایی تخریب مناطق خشک است. از طرفی، شور و قلیایی‌شدن خاک از فرایندهای تخریب خاک در مناطق خشک و نیمه‏خشک به‌شمار می‏آید. در این تحقیق با استفاده از فناوری سنجش از دور با قدرت تفکیک طیفی و مکانی بالا، به‏ منظور ارزیابی بیابان‏زایی در دشت مروست (استان یزد)، به پایش شوری خاک اقدام شد. در این تحقیق از تصاویر مربوط به سال‏های 2003 و 2010 سنجندة ASTER، ماهوارة Terra استفاده شد. با اجرای عملیات پیش‏پردازش و تشکیل و ارزیابی مدل رابطة مؤلفه‏های شوری خاک (EC و SAR) با مؤلفه‏های بازتاب طیفی، تصاویر برای هر دو مؤلفه به روش حداکثر احتمال طبقه‏بندی شد. سپس، مساحت هر طبقه و میزان تغییرات آن در دورة زمانی مورد مطالعه محاسبه شد. نتایج به‌دست‌آمده نشان داد که در دورة زمانی هفت‌ساله (2003 ـ 2010) از سطح اراضی غیر شور کاسته و بر مساحت اراضی شور افزوده شده است. این امر بیانگر تخریب خاک و کاهش بازدهی اراضی و، در نهایت، پیشرفت بیابان‏زایی در منطقه است. دقت طبقه‌بندی نقشة EC، برای تصویر سال 2003، 5/87 درصد و برای تصویر سال 2010، 5/82 درصد و ضریب کاپای آن به‌ترتیب 83/0 و 76/0 برآورد شد. همچنین، دقت طبقه‌بندی نقشة SAR  برای تصویر به سال 2003، 5/87 درصد و برای تصویر سال 2010، 5/87 درصد و ضریب کاپا به‌ترتیب 81/0 و 77/0 به‌دست آمد. این تحقیق کارایی بالای تصاویر ASTER را در زمینة آشکارسازی تغییرات شوری خاک و مدیریت منابع طبیعی نشان می‏دهد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Monitoring of soil salinity using ASTER satellite data to evaluate desertification in the Marvast plain, Yazd province

نویسندگان [English]

  • zahra giveiiashraf 1
  • Mohammad Ali Hakimzade 2
  • Mohammad Zare 3
  • Zohre Ebrahimi Khusfii 1
  • Kazem Dashtakian 4





چکیده [English]

Desertification relates to the both the process and end state of drylands degradation. Salinization and alkalinization are two indicators of soil degradation in arid and semi-arid regions. The main objectives of this research is monitoring of soil salinity using high spectral and spatial resolution of remote sensing to assess desertification in the Marvast plain, Yazd province. Two images of Terra satellite, ASTER synchronous to 2003 and 2010 are used. After preprocessing and analyzing of the images, relationship between parameters of soil salinity (i.e. SAR and EC) and spectral reflections were determined and, both two satellite images were classified using maximum likelihood method. Then, the surface area of each class and the amount of its changes were calculated. Results showed that during the period of 7 years (2003-2010), area of non-saline lands has decreased while, the area of saline land has increased, which leads to the salinization of agricultural lands, reduction of its yield and also extent of desertification in this region. Accuracy of EC map classification for 2003 and 2010 images are 87.5% and, 82.5%, respectively. Kappa coefficients for both images are 0.83 and 0.76. Accuracy of SAR map classification for 2003 and 2010images are 87.5% and 87.5%, respectively. Kappa coefficients for these two images are 0.81 and 0.77, respectively. Generally, it can be conclude that using of remote sensing data, especially ASTER images has high efficiency for change detection analysis in soil salinity and natural resources management.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Desertification
  • Marvast
  • monitoring
  • Soil Salinity
[1] Abrams, M. and Hook, S. (2004). ASTER User Guide (version 2), Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and EROS Data Center, Pasadena, 135 pp.
[2] Alavipanah, S.K. (2003). Application of remote sensing in Earth sciences (Soil science), Tehran University Press, 478 pages (in Farsi).
[3] Alavipanah, S.K., Ehsani, A. H. and Omidi, P. (2004). Study of desertification and changes in Damghan playa using multi-spectral and multi-temporal satellite data, Iranian Journal of Desert, 9(1):143-154 (in Farsi).
[4] Amini, M. (1999). Evaluation of soil salinity and alkalinity using Geostatistical in the selected soil of Rodasht, MSc Thesis, Department of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, 119 pages (in Farsi).
[5] Dadrasi Sabzevari, A. and Pakparvar, M. (2007). Determination of lands affected by desertification using near and remote sensing in Sabzevar desert area, Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research, 14(1): 33-52 (in Farsi).
[6] Dashtakian, K. and Pakparvar, M. (2007). Study of soil salinity trend using Landsat images in Marvast, Natural Resources and Agriculture Research Center of Yazd, Technical Report (in Farsi).
[7] Dashtakian, K., Pakparvar, M. and Abdollahi, J. (2008). Study of soil salinity preparing methods by using landsat images in Marvast, Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research, 15(2): 139-157 (in Farsi).
[8] Feizi Zadeh, B., Jafari, F. and Nazmfar, H. (2008). Application of remote sensing data in change detection of urban land uses: (Case study: Green spaces in Tabriz), Journal of Fine Art, 34, 17-24 (in Farsi).
[9] Garcia, M., Oyonarte, C., Villagarcia, L., Contreras, S., Domingo, F. and Puigdefabregas, J. (2008). Monitoring land degradation risk using ASTER data: The non-evaporative fraction as an indicator of ecosystem function, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 3720-3736.
[10] Giveii Ashraf, Z. (2011). Monitoring of soil salinity using remote sensing data in order to specific management of agricultural lands in the Marvast Plain, Yazd province, MSc thesis, Yazd University, Yazd, (in Farsi).
[11] Huang, S. and Siegert, F. (2006). Land cover classification optimized to detect areas at risk of desertification in North China based on SPOT VEGETATION imagery, Journal of Arid Environments, 67(2): 308-327.
[12] Liu, H., Zhou, CH., Cheng, W., Long, E. and Li, R. (2008). Monitoring sandy desertification of Otindag sandy land based on multi-date remote sensing images, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 28(2): 627-635.
[13] Nazari, R., Rangzan, K., Abshirini, A. and Moezi, A. (2008). Mapping of soil salinity using satellite ASTER data and GIS in sugarcane land management (Case study: Sugarcane land of industry of Khazaee Debal, Khuzestan), Proceeding of Geomatics 1387 (in Farsi).
[14] Wu, J., Vincent, B., Yang, J., Bouarfa, S. and Vidal, A. (2008). Remote sensing monitoring of changes in soil salinity: A case study in Inner Mongolia, China, Journal of Sensors, 8, 7035-7049.
[15] Zare Ernani, M. (2009). Biophysical Assessment of Desertification in the Yazd-Ardakan basin, Iran, PhD thesis, Ghent University, Belgium.
Monitoring of soil salinity using ASTER satellite data to evaluate desertification in the Marvast plain, Yazd province
Z. Giveii Ashraf1*, M. A. Hakimzade2, M. Zare 2*, Z. Ebrahimi Khusfii1 and K. Dashtakian3
1. MSc of Arid lands Management
2. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources and Eremology, Yazd University, Iran
3. Academic members of Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Yazd
Received date: 28-May-2013   Accepted date: 24-Aug.-2013
 Desertification relates to the both the process and end state of drylands degradation. Salinization and alkalinization are two indicators of soil degradation in arid and semi-arid regions. The main objectives of this research is monitoring of soil salinity using high spectral and spatial resolution of remote sensing to assess desertification in the Marvast plain, Yazd province. Two images of Terra satellite, ASTER synchronous to 2003 and 2010 are used. After preprocessing and analyzing of the images, relationship between parameters of soil salinity (i.e. SAR and EC) and spectral reflections were determined and, both two satellite images were classified using maximum likelihood method. Then, the surface area of each class and the amount of its changes were calculated. Results showed that during the period of 7 years (2003-2010), area of non-saline lands has decreased while, the area of saline land has increased, which leads to the salinization of agricultural lands, reduction of its yield and also extent of desertification in this region. Accuracy of EC map classification for 2003 and 2010 images are 87.5% and, 82.5%, respectively. Kappa coefficients for both images are 0.83 and 0.76. Accuracy of SAR map classification for 2003 and 2010 images are 87.5% and 87.5%, respectively. Kappa coefficients for these two images are 0.81 and 0.77, respectively. Generally, it can be conclude that using of remote sensing data, especially ASTER images has high efficiency for change detection analysis in soil salinity and natural resources management.
Keywords: ASTER, desertification, Marvast, monitoring, soil salinity
[1] Abrams, M. and Hook, S. (2004). ASTER User Guide (version 2), Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and EROS Data Center, Pasadena, 135 pp.
[2] Alavipanah, S.K. (2003). Application of remote sensing in Earth sciences (Soil science), Tehran University Press, 478 pages (in Farsi).
[3] Alavipanah, S.K., Ehsani, A. H. and Omidi, P. (2004). Study of desertification and changes in Damghan playa using multi-spectral and multi-temporal satellite data, Iranian Journal of Desert, 9(1):143-154 (in Farsi).
[4] Amini, M. (1999). Evaluation of soil salinity and alkalinity using Geostatistical in the selected soil of Rodasht, MSc Thesis, Department of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, 119 pages (in Farsi).
[5] Dadrasi Sabzevari, A. and Pakparvar, M. (2007). Determination of lands affected by desertification using near and remote sensing in Sabzevar desert area, Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research, 14(1): 33-52 (in Farsi).
[6] Dashtakian, K. and Pakparvar, M. (2007). Study of soil salinity trend using Landsat images in Marvast, Natural Resources and Agriculture Research Center of Yazd, Technical Report (in Farsi).
[7] Dashtakian, K., Pakparvar, M. and Abdollahi, J. (2008). Study of soil salinity preparing methods by using landsat images in Marvast, Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research, 15(2): 139-157 (in Farsi).
[8] Feizi Zadeh, B., Jafari, F. and Nazmfar, H. (2008). Application of remote sensing data in change detection of urban land uses: (Case study: Green spaces in Tabriz), Journal of Fine Art, 34, 17-24 (in Farsi).
[9] Garcia, M., Oyonarte, C., Villagarcia, L., Contreras, S., Domingo, F. and Puigdefabregas, J. (2008). Monitoring land degradation risk using ASTER data: The non-evaporative fraction as an indicator of ecosystem function, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 3720-3736.
[10] Giveii Ashraf, Z. (2011). Monitoring of soil salinity using remote sensing data in order to specific management of agricultural lands in the Marvast Plain, Yazd province, MSc thesis, Yazd University, Yazd, (in Farsi).
[11] Huang, S. and Siegert, F. (2006). Land cover classification optimized to detect areas at risk of desertification in North China based on SPOT VEGETATION imagery, Journal of Arid Environments, 67(2): 308-327.
[12] Liu, H., Zhou, CH., Cheng, W., Long, E. and Li, R. (2008). Monitoring sandy desertification of Otindag sandy land based on multi-date remote sensing images, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 28(2): 627-635.
[13] Nazari, R., Rangzan, K., Abshirini, A. and Moezi, A. (2008). Mapping of soil salinity using satellite ASTER data and GIS in sugarcane land management (Case study: Sugarcane land of industry of Khazaee Debal, Khuzestan), Proceeding of Geomatics 1387 (in Farsi).
[14] Wu, J., Vincent, B., Yang, J., Bouarfa, S. and Vidal, A. (2008). Remote sensing monitoring of changes in soil salinity: A case study in Inner Mongolia, China, Journal of Sensors, 8, 7035-7049.
[15] Zare Ernani, M. (2009). Biophysical Assessment of Desertification in the Yazd-Ardakan basin, Iran, PhD thesis, Ghent University, Belgium.
Monitoring of soil salinity using ASTER satellite data to evaluate desertification in the Marvast plain, Yazd province
Z. Giveii Ashraf1*, M. A. Hakimzade2, M. Zare 2*, Z. Ebrahimi Khusfii1 and K. Dashtakian3
1. MSc of Arid lands Management
2. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources and Eremology, Yazd University, Iran
3. Academic members of Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Yazd
Received date: 28-May-2013   Accepted date: 24-Aug.-2013
 Desertification relates to the both the process and end state of drylands degradation. Salinization and alkalinization are two indicators of soil degradation in arid and semi-arid regions. The main objectives of this research is monitoring of soil salinity using high spectral and spatial resolution of remote sensing to assess desertification in the Marvast plain, Yazd province. Two images of Terra satellite, ASTER synchronous to 2003 and 2010 are used. After preprocessing and analyzing of the images, relationship between parameters of soil salinity (i.e. SAR and EC) and spectral reflections were determined and, both two satellite images were classified using maximum likelihood method. Then, the surface area of each class and the amount of its changes were calculated. Results showed that during the period of 7 years (2003-2010), area of non-saline lands has decreased while, the area of saline land has increased, which leads to the salinization of agricultural lands, reduction of its yield and also extent of desertification in this region. Accuracy of EC map classification for 2003 and 2010 images are 87.5% and, 82.5%, respectively. Kappa coefficients for both images are 0.83 and 0.76. Accuracy of SAR map classification for 2003 and 2010 images are 87.5% and 87.5%, respectively. Kappa coefficients for these two images are 0.81 and 0.77, respectively. Generally, it can be conclude that using of remote sensing data, especially ASTER images has high efficiency for change detection analysis in soil salinity and natural resources management.
Keywords: ASTER, desertification, Marvast, monitoring, soil salinity